What is Brain Cancer?
Brain cancer includes primary brain tumors, Subheading distribution: which start in the brain and rarely spread to other parts of the body, and secondary tumors (or metastases), caused by the disease. There are more than 40 types of brain cancer, which fall into two categories:
- That’s fine – it will grow and not spread. The most common types are meningiomas, neuromas, pituitary tumors, and craniopharyngiomas.
- Bad – Cancer, spread to other parts of the brain, and to the spinal cord. Common types include astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, glioblastoma, and mixed glioma.
More than 1,900 people are expected to be diagnosed with brain cancer by 2022. The average age of cancer is 59 years.
Signs and symptoms of brain cancer
A headache is the first symptom of a brain tumor. Headaches can be mild, severe, and constant, sometimes coming on and sometimes going away. Headaches aren’t always brain tumors, but if you’re concerned, see your doctor.
Other symptoms include:
- Impairment: severe (such as tremors) or mild (loss of memory, sensation, or muscle movement)
- Weakness or paralysis of a part of the body Drowsiness varies from person to person
- Nausea44 Vomiting Vision, hearing, Poor sense of smell or taste.
Brain Cancer Screening
If you suspect you have a brain tumor, your doctor will check how different parts of your brain are functioning by checking your strength, muscle strength, coordination, power tingling in your hands, and the difference between heat and heat. Cold. . . An ophthalmoscope is used to look at the optic nerve, which may be damaged if the skull is raised, such as by a tumor.
CT scan
A CT scan (computed tomography) uses X-rays to take pictures of the body.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) uses a computer and powerful magnets to create an image of your body.
MRS (magnetic resonance imaging)
MRS (magnetic resonance imaging) checks for changes in the chemical structure of the brain and can be done at the same time as an MRI.
PET scan
PET (Positron Emission Tomography) A small amount of radioactive solution is injected to show cancer cells absorb the solution faster than normal cells.
SPECT (Single Proton Emission Computed Tomography)
A Single Photon Emission CT (SPECT) scan takes three pictures of clearly visible areas of the brain and blood flow, such as the stomach.
Lumbar puncture
A lumbar puncture (also called a spinal tap) uses a needle to collect cerebrospinal fluid and send it to a laboratory to test for cancer cells.
When you are diagnosed with brain cancer
When you find out you have brain cancer you can be surprised, sad, worried and confused. These are just answers. Brain cancer affects everyone differently. This is a difficult time for most, but some can continue with their daily activities. Your specialist will arrange for different health specialists (different teams) to plan your treatment. This depends on many factors, such as the type, size, location, and genetics of cancer, as well as your age and health, any symptoms you have, and your needs and preferences
Learn more about effective brain cancer care:
Brain cancer treatment
However, if your brain is in doubt, your therapist will examine the function of different pathways in your brain by observing your strength and muscle strength. Some tumors can be completely removed with surgery (craniotomy). Postoperative radiotherapy improves local control and survival. For glioblastoma, temozolomide may be added during or after radiation therapy to improve outcomes. If the tumor cannot be removed, the goal of treatment is to reduce the size of the tumor and relieve symptoms by reducing the tumor and surrounding inflammation.
Getting ready
Based on the results of MRIs, CT scans, and other tests, your doctor can tell you where the cancer is. This scale shows the extent of the cancer and whether it has spread beyond the brain. Brain tumors are usually graded 1 to 4, depending on how they grow and their ability to damage nearby tissue: grades 1 and 2 are the most common. It grows slowly and is called a small tumor; group 4 is growing rapidly.
Palliative care
In some cases of brain cancer, your medical team may recommend less intensive care. Palliative care aims to improve your quality of life by reducing the symptoms of cancer. In addition to reducing the spread of brain cancer, the medicine can reduce pain and help relieve other symptoms. Treatment may include radiation, chemotherapy, and other medicine.
Treatment team
- Depending on your treatment, your treatment team may include health specialists such as:
- GP (General Practitioner) – looks after your general health and works with your specialist to develop a treatment plan.
- Neurosurgeons – treat brain diseases and injuries using surgery. Cancer Nurse
- Will help support you throughout your treatment and give you information and support.
- Oncologists – Interpret and prepare for treatment.
- Radiologists – Prescribe and administer radiation therapy.
- Other health care workers – eg social workers, pharmacists, counselors.
Brain Cancer Screening
There is currently no brain cancer screening program in Australia.