Identifying the Top Signs of Stroke in Women

Identifying the Top Signs of Stroke in Women
Identifying the Top Signs of Stroke in Women

Are women strokes common?

Every year, about 800,000 Americans suffer from strokes. When a blood clot or a ruptured vessel cuts off blood flow to the brain, a stroke occurs. Stroke-related complications result in the deaths of approximately 140,000 people every year. The risk of developing blood clots or contracting pneumonia is high.

A stroke is more likely to happen to men, but women have a higher lifetime risk. Strokes also cause more deaths in women. In the United States, 1 in 5 women will experience a stroke, with nearly 60 percent dying from it. The third leading cause of death for American women is stroke.

It is more likely for women to suffer a stroke because women live longer than men. Their blood pressure is likely to be higher. A woman’s stroke risk also increases during pregnancy and during birth control. Women may be better able to get help if they know the symptoms of stroke. It is possible to recover from a disability with quick treatment.

Symptoms specific to women

The following are examples:

  • Fainting or loss of consciousness
  • General weakness
  • Pain
  • Hiccups
  • Trouble breathing
  • Seizures
  • Nausea or vomiting

Women’s symptoms are unique, so connecting them to stroke may be difficult. As a result, treatment may the delay will, which may impede recovery. Contact us if you are unsure whether you are having a stroke. Paramedics can begin treatment as soon as they arrive and assess your symptoms.

Affected mental status symptoms

There is a term used by clinicians to describe these symptoms: altered mental status.

Symptoms include:

  • Hallucination
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Sudden behavioral change
  • Agitation

The most common nontraditional symptom, according to a 2009 study, changed mental status. A stroke-related changed mental status was reported by about 23% of women and 15% of males. There is a 1.5 times greater chance of women reporting an untraditional stroke symptom than men.

Symptoms common stroke

Both men and women experience many stroke symptoms. Symptoms of stroke include difficulty speaking or understanding speech, strained expressions, and confusion.

A stroke is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Suddenly losing vision in either or both eyes
  • A sudden numbness or weakness of your face or limbs, usually on one side
  • Confusion-related difficulties speaking or understanding
  • The cause of a sudden and severe headache is unknown
  • Dizziness, difficulty walking, or trouble coordinating

In research studies, women are often better at identifying stroke signs than men. Women know more about stroke symptoms than men, according to a Trusted Source study from 2003. Women know 90 percent of the signs of stroke, whereas men only know 85 percent.

Moreover, most women and men fail to identify all symptoms correctly and identify when to seek emergency assistance. The survey was only aced by 17 percent of participants.

In case of stroke, what to do

Identifying stroke symptoms is easy with this strategy from the National Stroke Association. Immediately contact Act FAST Trusted Source if you or someone around you is experiencing symptoms of a stroke.

F FACE Smile at the person. Their face droops on one side?
A ARMS Raise both arms of the person. A downward drift occurs in one arm?
S                            SPEECH A simple phrase can be asked of the person. Do they speak slurred or strangely?
T TIME Call 911 or your local emergency services as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.


Every minute counts during a stroke. A stroke that is not recognized or treated immediately can result in irreversible brain damage. It is better to stay where you are, even though your first instinct is to drive yourself to the hospital. Immediately contact your local emergency services if you notice symptoms. A taxi can provide immediate medical attention that an ambulance cannot. As soon as you arrive at the hospital, a doctor will assess your symptoms and medical history. Before diagnosing you, they will perform a physical exam and other diagnostic tests.

Stroke treatment options

The type of stroke determines the treatment options.

The ischemic stroke

To be effective, this medication must be taken as soon as possible after the first symptom appears. The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Stroke Association (ASA) recently updated their guidelines. Blood thinners or other anticoagulant medications may be administered if you are unable to take TPA.

Aside from medication, surgery can also be used to dissolve clots and unblock arteries. Up to 24 hours after the first symptoms of stroke appear, a mechanical clot removal can be performed. Mechanical Thrombectomy is also known as mechanical clot removal.

Stroke with hemorrhage

If an artery in your brain bursts or leaks blood, you will suffer a hemorrhagic stroke. The treatment for this type of stroke is different from that for an ischemic stroke.

A stroke is treated based on its underlying cause:

  • There is an aneurysm. The aneurysm may be blocked with surgery by your doctor.
  • Blood pressure is high. The medication your doctor administers will lower your blood pressure and reduce bleeding.
  • Venous ruptures and faulty arteries. The surgeon may suggest repairing arteriovenous malformations (AVM) to prevent further bleeding.

Women’s treatment vs men’s

Studies have shown that women receive less emergency care than men. An ER study published in 2010 found that women wait longer to be seen than men. The women may receive less intensive care and therapeutic workups once admitted. A stroke diagnosis may be delayed in some women due to nontraditional symptoms.

Women’s stroke recovery

In the hospital, stroke recovery begins. You will be moved to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) or stroke rehabilitation facility once your condition improves. At home, some people continue to receive care. An outpatient therapy program or hospice care can be added to at-home care.

Cognitive skills may be regained through physical, speech, and occupational therapy. During your care, you may be taught how to brush your teeth, bathe, walk, and practice other physical activities.

Strokes usually cause women to recover more slowly than men.

Additionally, women are more likely to experience:

  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Mental impairment
  • Impaired daily living activities
  • Stroke-related disability
  • Reduced quality of life

Preventing strokes in the future

Two times more women die of stroke every year than from breast cancer. It’s important to remain vigilant about your health because of this. If you want to prevent a future stroke, you can:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • A healthy weight should be maintained
  • Regular exercise is important
  • Smoke no more
  • Improve your stress management by taking up a hobby, such as knitting or yoga

Because of the unique risk factors women face, they should also take extra precautions. Therefore, this means:

  • After and during pregnancy, monitoring blood pressure is essential
  • Over 75-year-olds need to be screened for atrial fibrillation (AFIB)
  • Before starting birth control, check your blood pressure

The outlook

A person’s recovery from a stroke can vary. The physical therapy you receive may help you regain lost abilities. There are people who can relearn how to walk or speak within a few months. It may take others longer to recover.

It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle during this time and keep on track with rehabilitation. This may help prevent future strokes as well as aid your recovery.


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